ImageEn, unit iexLayerProps



TIELayerProps = class(TWinControl);


TIELayerProps is a TWinControl which shows properties of a layer. It is also used in the dialog when LayersShowPropertiesDialog is called.

Note: TIELayerProps can be localized by setting MsgLanguage


Demo  \Demos\Actions\Actions_Layers\LayerActions.dpr


// Display properties of the selected layer in a TImageEnView
IELayerProps1.AttachedImageEnView := ImageEnView1;

// Display properties of the layer 2
IELayerProps1.AttachedImageEnView := ImageEnView1;
IELayerProps1.LayerIndex := 2;

// Cancel any recent changes to layer properties

Layer Properties Form Example

// Example of a custom form that shows properties of a layer
// Also see: ImageEnView1.LayersShowPropertiesDialog();
// Create a form containing:
// - TIELayerProps
// - OK button with ModalResult = OK
// - Cancel button with ModalResult = mrCancel
function TMyForm.LayersShowPropertiesDialog(): Boolean;
  dlg : TMyLayerPropsDlg;
  lyrIdx: Integer;
  lyrIdx := ImageEnView1.LayersCurrent;

  dlg := TMyLayerPropsDlg.Create( Self );
    dlg.IELayerProps1.AttachedImageEnView := ImageEnView1;
    dlg.IELayerProps1.LayerIndex          := lyrIdx;

    Result := dlg.ShowModal <> mrCancel;
    if Result = False then
    FreeAndNil( dlg );

New Layer Properties Example 2

// Example of a custom form that allows setting properties of a new layer
// Note: The new layer is created before the dialog is shown, and removed if user clicks cancel
// Use ImageEnView1.LockUpdate/UnlockUpdate if the new layer should not be visible
// Also see: ImageEnView1.LayersNewLayerDialog();
// Create a form containing:
// - TIELayerProps
// - OK button with ModalResult = OK
// - Cancel button with ModalResult = mrCancel
function TMyForm.LayersNewLayerDialog(LayerKind: TIELayerKind): Boolean;
  dlg : TMyLayerPropsDlg;
  lyrIdx: Integer;
  // Append the new layer
  lyrIdx := LayersAppend( LayerKind );

  // Add any default props...

  dlg := TMyLayerPropsDlg.Create( Self );
    dlg.IELayerProps1.AttachedImageEnView := ImageEnView1;
    dlg.IELayerProps1.LayerIndex          := lyrIdx;
    dlg.IELayerProps1.HeadingMode         := iehCustom;
    dlg.IELayerProps1.Heading             := format( 'Create a new %s layer:', [ ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.KindStr() ]);

    Result := dlg.ShowModal <> mrCancel;
    if Result = False then
      LayersRemove( lyrIdx );
    FreeAndNil( dlg );

Methods and Properties

Public Method  ApplyChanges
Published Property  AttachedImageEnView
Public Method  CancelChanges
Published Property  ComboBoxShapeColor
Published Property  ComboBoxShowText
Published Property  GradientColor1
Published Property  GradientColor2
Published Property  Heading
Published Property  HeadingMode
Public Property  LayerIndex
Published Property  ShowAdvanced
Published Property  StrictSelection


Event  OnCreate
Event  OnDestroy
Event  OnUpdate