
Language Support

ImageEn provides full localization for twenty-five languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish (Note: machine translation has been used for some localization).

To support localization, you must add the ielang32.dll (for 32bit EXEs) or ielang64.dll (for 64bit EXEs) to your application exe folder (See ImageEn DLL info).

There are around 1,000 localized strings in ImageEn that are used by ImageEn Actions and in dialogs (such as when editing and printing images). Changing the current language requires only setting IEGlobalSettings().MsgLanguage, although the default is msSystem so it should automatically display the correct language for the user. To test the localization, try the demos in the \Actions\ folder.

 If you require localization support without using a DLL you need to undefine IESupportLanguageDLL in You may need to recompile your packages
 You can check the coverage for specific languages by reviewing iewords.pas. If you update any of the translated strings, please email your changes to
 Languages that use extended character sets, such as msArabic, msChinese, msChineseTraditional, msJapanese, msKorean and msRussian, require a Unicode compatible Delphi/C++ version (2009 or newer)


Demo  Demos\Actions\AllActions\AllActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_Folder\FolderMViewActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_IERichEdit\RichEditActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_Layers\LayerActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_MView\MViewActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_PDFViewer\PdfViewerActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_Viewer\ViewerActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Other\ImageEn_Dialogs\ImageEn_Dialogs.dpr
Demo  Demos\Other\ImageEnViewToolbar\IEToolbar.dpr
Demo  Demos\PDF\PDFViewerToolbar\PdfViewerToolbar.dpr


// Set language to Italian
IEGlobalSettings().MsgLanguage := msItalian;

// Change language to Italian and show warning if language dll is not found
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns([ iepiLanguages ]);
if not ( iepiLanguages in IEGlobalSettings().ActivePlugIns ) then
  ShowMessage( 'IELang32.dll not found. Please reinstall.' )
  IEGlobalSettings().MsgLanguage := msItalian;

// Use ImageEn to localize your buttons
btnOK.Caption := IEGlobalSettings().GetLanguageWord( IEMSG_OK );
btnCancel.Caption := IEGlobalSettings().GetLanguageWord( IEMSG_Cancel );

// Customize ImageEn's translation
IEGlobalSettings().SetLanguageWord( msEnglish, IEMSG_OK, 'Yeah, dude!' );
IEGlobalSettings().SetLanguageWord( msEnglish, IEMSG_Cancel, 'Nah...' );

Language Selector Example

// Create a pop up menu to select language

procedure AddLanguagesToMenu(Pop: TPopupMenu; OnClick: TNotifyEvent);
  langs: TMsgLanguages;
  i: Integer;
  aLang : TMsgLanguage;
  NewItem: TMenuItem;
  langs := IEGlobalSettings().GetLanguages();
  for i := Low( langs ) to High( langs ) do
    aLang := langs[ i ];
    NewItem := TMenuItem.Create( Pop.Owner );
    NewItem.Caption := LanguageToStr( aLang, True );
    NewItem.Hint    := format( iemsg( IEMsg_SetLanguageToX ), [ LanguageToStr( aLang , False ) ]);
    NewItem.Checked := IEGlobalSettings.MsgLanguage = aLang;
    NewItem.Tag := ord(aLang);
    NewItem.OnClick := OnClick;

    // Add separator for "Default"
    if aLang = msSystem then
      NewItem := TMenuItem.Create( Pop.Owner );
      NewItem.Caption := '-';

procedure TfrmMain.LanguageClick(Sender: TObject);
  aLang : TMsgLanguage;
  I: Integer;
  for I := 0 to popLanguage.Items.Count - 1 do
    popLanguage.Items[I].Checked := False;
  aLang := TMsgLanguage(TMenuItem(Sender).Tag);

    IEGlobalSettings.MsgLanguage := aLang;
    TMenuItem(Sender).Checked := True;
    MessageDlg( 'IELang32.dll not found! Copy it to the EXE folder for localization support.', mtInformation, [ mbOK ], 0 );

procedure TfrmMain.PopupLanguageMenuAtControl(Control: TControl);
  if popLanguage.Items.Count = 0 then
    AddLanguagesToMenu( popLanguage, LanguageClick );
  popLanguage.Popup( Control.ClientOrigin.X, Control.ClientOrigin.Y + Control.Height )

See Also
