ImageEn includes over 400 actions for ImageEnView, ImageEnView Layers, ImageEnMView , ImageEnFolderMView and IERichEdit components to allow you to rapidly develop your UI (and instantly localize in twenty-five languages).
Demos\Actions\Actions_Viewer\ViewerActions.dpr | |
Demos\Actions\AllActions\AllActions.dpr |
ActionType | Specifies the type of action: whether the control only performs a function (ieaButton), toggles a state (ieaCheckbox), or changes between multiple states (ieaRadioButton) | |
ImageEnView | Optional property: Specify a TImageEnView if you have multiple on a form and want to limit actions to one of them | |
RequiresFocus | If enabled, actions have no effect unless a TImageEnView is focused, otherwise actions work and change whatever control is focused. You must set this to true, or use the ImageEnView property if you have multiple TImageEnView controls on a form (Default: False) |
Action | Name | Description | Associated Method | Extra Properties |
TImageEnViewAutoShrink | Auto-Shrink | Display large images at the window size | AutoShrink | - |
TImageEnViewAutoStretch | Auto-Stretch | Display small images at the window size | AutoStretch | - |
TImageEnViewAutoFit | Fit | Fit image to window (sets AutoShrink and AutoStretch) | FitMode | - |
TImageEnViewAutoFitToWidth | Fit Width | Fit image width to window (sets AutoShrink and AutoStretch) | FitMode | - |
TImageEnViewAutoFitToHeight | Fit Height | Fit image height to window (sets AutoShrink and AutoStretch) | FitMode | - |
TImageEnViewViewFullSize | Actual Size | Show image at 100% zoom (disables AutoShrink and AutoStretch) | Zoom | - |
TImageEnViewBlank | Clear | Clear the image | Blank | - |
TImageEnViewClearAll | Clear All | Clear the image and layers | ClearAll | - |
TImageEnViewSelectAll | Select All | Select all content | Select or SelectAll | - |
TImageEnViewDeselect | Deselect | Clear your selection | Deselect or ClearSelection | - |
TImageEnViewInvertSelection | Invert Selection | Invert your selection | InvertSelection | - |
TImageEnViewFit | Fit Image | Display the image at the size of the window | Fit | - |
TImageEnViewFitToHeight | Fit Image to Height | Display the image at the height of the window | FitToHeight | - |
TImageEnViewFitToWidth | Fit Image to Width | Display the image at the width of the window | FitToWidth | - |
TImageEnViewEnableAdjustOrientation | Auto-Rotate Display | Automatically display image with the correct orientation | EnableAdjustOrientation | - |
TImageEnViewPlaying | Animate | Display the animation of a GIF or AVI file | Playing | - |
TImageEnViewPlayLoop | Loop Playback | Continuously loop the playback of a GIF or AVI file | PlayLoop" | - |
TImageEnViewShowGuidelines | Show Guidelines | Show guidelines over image to aid rotation | DisplayGridKind | - |
TImageEnViewShowRulers | Show Rulers | Show measurement rulers beside image | ShowRulers | - |
TImageEnViewRulerUnitPixels | Pixels | Show ruler in pixels | Units | - |
TImageEnViewRulerUnitInches | Inches | Show ruler in onches | Units | - |
TImageEnViewRulerUnitMillimeters | Millimeters | Show ruler in millimeters | Units | - |
TImageEnViewRulerUnitCentimeters | Centimeters | Show ruler in centimeters | Units | - |
TImageEnViewRulerUnits | Set Ruler units | Show ruler in specified units | Units | RulerUnits |
TImageEnViewZoomIn | Zoom In | Display the image larger | ZoomIn | - |
TImageEnViewZoomOut | Zoom Out | Display the image smaller | ZoomOut | - |
TImageEnViewZoomFullSize | Zoom to Full Size | Display the image at full size | Zoom | - |
TImageEnViewSetZoom | Zoom to x% | Display the image at x% Zoom | Zoom | Zoom |
TImageEnViewPromptForColor | Select Color | Display the color selection dialog | IEPromptForColor | ColorSelectAction, SelectedColor |
TImageEnViewBrushShowProperties | Brush Properties | Adjust the size, color and other properties of the brush | BrushShowPropertiesDialog | ApplyAll |
TImageEnViewBrushSize | Brush Size | Adjust the size of the brush | BrushSize | - |
TImageEnSetLanguage | Set Language to X | Change the language of all ImageEn controls and dialogs | MsgLanguage | Language |
Action | Name | Description | Associated Method | Extra Properties |
TImageEnViewMouseMovingScroll | Scroll to Cursor | Move the mouse to scroll the image | miMovingScroll | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseScroll | Scroll Image | Click the image and drag the mouse to scroll | miScroll | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelect | Rectangular Select | Select a rectangular area of your image | miSelect | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelectRoundRect | Rounded Rect Select | Select a rounded rectangular area of your image | miSelect | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelectCircle | Circular Select | Select a circular area of your image | miSelectCircle | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelectLasso | Lasso Select | Perform an irregular selection of your image by dragging the mouse | miSelectLasso | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelectMagicWand | Select by Color (Magic Wand) | Select a portion of your image of a similar color | miSelectMagicWand | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelectChromaKey | Select by Color (Chroma Key) | Select a portion of your image of a similar color | miSelectChromaKey | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelectPolygon | Polygon Select | Perform an irregular selection of your image by clicking the mouse | miSelectPolygon | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseSelectZoom | Zoom to Selection | Select an area of the image to zoom into | miSelectZoom | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseZoom | Zoom | Click the image to Zoom In. Ctrl+click (or Right-click) to Zoom Out | miZoom, miSmoothZoom or miDblClickZoom | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseZoomAndScroll | Zoom and Scroll | Left-click the image to Zoom In. Right-click to Zoom Out. Click the image and drag the mouse to scroll | miZoom and miScroll | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureLength | Measure Length | Click and drag to measure a length | miMeasureLength | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureRect | Measure Area | Click and drag to measure a rectangular area | miMeasureRect | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureEllipse | Measure Ellipse | Click and drag to measure a circular area | miMeasureEllipse | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseMeasurePath | Measure Polyline | Use multiple clicks to measure a length or area | miMeasurePath | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureAngle | Measure Angle | Click three points to measure an angle | miMeasureAngle | Exclusive |
TImageEnViewMouseColorPicker | Enable the Color Picker | Enable the Color Picker so the user can select a color within the image. The effect of the selection is configured by TImageEnView.FillTool.ColorSelectActions | miColorPicker | - |
TImageEnViewMouseAdjustBlackWhite | Adjust Brightness/Contrast | Click and drag up/down to adjust brightness. Click and drag left/right to adjust contrast | miAdjustBlackWhite | - |
TImageEnViewMousePdfSelect | Select Text and Images | Select text or images in the current page (PdfViewer) | miPdfSelectText, miPdfSelectRgn | - |
Action | Name | Description | Associated Method | Extra Properties |
TImageEnViewAlphaFillTool | Enable the Alpha Fill Tool | Enable the alpha fill tool with to replace areas of a similar color with transparency | TIEFillToolInteraction (Shift key makes it more aggressive at color selection. Alt key switches to Color fill) | - |
TImageEnViewBrushTool | Enable the Paint Brush | Enable the brush tool to paint content onto the image | TIEBrushToolInteraction | BrushShape, BrushFill |
TImageEnViewColorFillTool | Enable the Flood Fill Tool | Enable the flood fill tool with to replace areas of a similar color with a new color | TIEFillToolInteraction (Shift key makes it more aggressive at color selection. Alt key switches to Alpha fill) | - |
TImageEnViewEraserTool | Enable the Eraser | Enable the brush tool with an eraser fill to clear content from the image | TIEBrushToolInteraction | EraserOpacity |
TImageEnViewBackgroundEraserTool | Enable the Background Eraser | Enable the brush tool with a special eraser that removes the background from the image | TIEBrushToolInteraction | EraserOpacity |
TImageEnViewCloneTool | Enable Cloning | Enable the clone brush tool to clone content from one part of an image to another | TIECloneToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewCropToolEnable | Enable Cropping | Enable cropping mode to select an area of image to maintain | TIECropToolInteraction | CropMode |
TImageEnViewCropToolEnactCrop | Crop to Selection | Crop the image to the selection | Enact | - |
TImageEnViewCropToolCancelCrop | Cancel Cropping | Clear the current crop selection | Cancel | - |
TImageEnViewRetouchTool | Enable the Retouch Tool | Enable the retouch tool to make corrections to the image | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewSmudgeTool | Enable the Smudge Tool | Enable the retouch tool in Smudge mode | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewBlurTool | Enable the Blur Tool | Enable the retouch tool in Blur mode | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewMotionBlurTool | Enable the Motion BlurTool | Enable the retouch tool in Motion Blur mode | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewSmoothTool | Enable the Retouch Tool | Enable the retouch tool in Smooth mode (Optionally uses IEVision) | TIERetouchToolInteraction | UseIEVision |
TImageEnViewPixelizeTool | Enable the Pixelize Tool | Enable the retouch tool in Pixelize mode | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewBrightnessTool | Enable the Brightness Tool | Enable the retouch tool in Brightness mode | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewInpaintTool | Enable the Inpaint Tool | Enable the retouch tool in Inpaint mode (Requires IEVision) | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewWarpTool | Enable the Warping Tool | Enable the retouch tool in Warp mode | TIERetouchToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewRotateTool | Drag to Rotate | Enable the Rotate tool to freely rotate the image with the mouse | TIERotateToolInteraction | BackgroundColor |
TImageEnViewRotateAndCropTool | Drag to Rotate and Crop | Enable the Rotate tool to freely rotate the image with the mouse and then crop | TIERotateToolInteraction | CropAlgorithm, BackgroundColor |
TImageEnViewSprayTool | Enable the Spray Can | Enable the brush tool with a spray fill to paint content onto the image | TIEBrushToolInteraction | BrushFill |
TImageEnViewTransformToolEnable | Enable the Warp Tranformation tool | Enable the Warp Tranformation tool to apply a Thin Plate Spline transformation to the image | TIETransformToolInteraction | - |
TImageEnViewTransformToolEnact | Apply Tranformation | Apply the current tranformation | Enact | - |
TImageEnViewTransformToolCancel | Cancel Tranformation | Clear the current tranformation | Cancel | - |
Action | Name | Description | Associated Method | Extra Properties |
TImageEnViewDoPreviews | Do Effects | Display the Effects dialog for editing and enhancing the image (all or a specific effect) | DoPreviews | Effects |
TImageEnViewDoAdjustPreviews | Adjust Colors | Perform color enhancement functions on the image | DoPreviews(ppeColorAdjustments) | - |
TImageEnViewDoEffectPreviews | Image Effects | Perform effects on the image | DoPreviews(ppeSpecialEffects) | - |
TImageEnViewDoEditPreviews | Edit Image | Perform editing functions on the image: rotate, resize, crop, etc. | DoPreviews(ppeEditingFunctions) | - |
TImageEnViewPromptToResize | Prompt to Resize | Display the previews dialog to allow the user to resample (resize) the image | DoPreviews | ResampleFilter |
TImageEnViewPromptToRotate | Prompt to Rotate | Display the previews dialog to allow the user to rotate the image to a custom angle | DoPreviews | AntiAliasMode |
TImageEnViewRotateRight | Rotate Right | Rotate the image 90° clockwise | Rotate | - |
TImageEnViewRotate180 | Rotate 180° | Rotate the image 180° clockwise | Rotate | - |
TImageEnViewRotateLeft | Rotate Left | Rotate the image 90° counter-clockwise | Rotate | - |
TImageEnViewFlipHorizontal | Flip Horizontal | Flip the image from top to bottom | Flip | - |
TImageEnViewFlipVertical | Flip Vertical | Flip the image from left to right | Flip | - |
TImageEnViewCrop | Crop to Selection | Remove all parts of the image outside the current selection | Crop | - |
TImageEnViewDeleteSelection | Delete Selection | Remove the selection area of the image | CutToClipboard | - |
TImageEnViewCutToClipboard | Cut | Cut the current image or selection to the clipboard | CutToClipboard | Cut Source |
TImageEnViewCopyToClipboard | Copy | Copy the current image or selection to the clipboard | CopyToClipboard | Copy Source |
TImageEnViewPasteFromClipboard | Paste | Paste an image from the clipboard | PasteFromClipboard | Paste Dest |
TImageEnViewUndo | Undo | Undo the last action | Undo | ShowUndoAction |
TImageEnViewRedo | Redo | Redo the last action that was undone | Redo | ShowRedoAction |
TImageEnViewConvertToGray | Convert to Gray | Reduce the colors of the image to grayscale | ConvertToGray | - |
TImageEnViewHistAutoEqualize | Auto Equalize Colors | Equalizes the color histogram for the selected region | HistAutoEqualize | - |
TImageEnViewAutoSharp | Auto Sharpen | Automatically enhances the image sharpness by sharpening the contours of detected objects | AutoSharp | Intensity, Rate |
TImageEnViewAutoImageEnhance | Auto Enhance Image | Performs a series of complex operations to improve the contrast and colors in the image | Various, see AutoEnhance Methods | SubsampledSize, Slope, Cut, Neighbour |
TImageEnViewNegative | Negative | Invert the colors of the image | Negative | - |
TImageEnViewPixelize | Pixelize | Obscure the selected area of the image | Pixelize | BlockSize |
TImageEnViewRemoveRedEyes | Remove Red-Eyes | Remove the red-eye effect from the selection | RemoveRedEyes | - |
TImageEnViewSharpen | Sharpen | Apply a sharpening filter to the image | Sharpen | Intensity, Neighbourhood |
TImageEnViewSmooth | Smooth | Smooths and removes noise from the image | Various, see Smoothing Method | SmoothStrength |
TImageEnViewInpaint | Patch Selection | Apply an inpainting method to the selected area | inpaint | - |
TImageEnViewRemoveChromaKey | Remove Chroma-Key | Removes the Chroma-Key background from the image | RemoveChromaKey | KeyColor (if clNone, it is guessed using the whole image or current selection), Tolerance, Saturation, FeatherEdges, HueReduction, RemoveNoise |
Action | Name | Description | Associated Method | Extra Properties |
TImageEnViewPromptToOpen | Open | Load an image from file | ExecuteOpenDialog, LoadFromFile | DialogTitle, DefaultFilter, LimitToFileType, FileName |
TImageEnViewSave | Save | Save changes to this image to file | SaveToFile | EnableOnlyWhenChanged, FileName |
TImageEnViewPromptToSave | Save as | Save this image to a new filename | ExecuteSaveDialog, SaveToFile | DialogTitle, DefaultFilter, LimitToFileType, FileName |
TImageEnViewDoIOPreviews | Save Properties | Specify advanced properties for this image | DoPreviews | PreviewParams |
TImageEnViewDoPrintPreviewDialog | Print Preview | Display a preview of this image for printing | DoPrintPreviewDialog | DialogType |
TImageEnViewPrintImageNormal | Print this image at its original size | PrintImage | - | |
TImageEnViewPrintImageFitToPage | Print to Page | Print this image to fit the page | PrintImage | - |
TImageEnViewSelectAcquireSource | Select Acquisition Source | Select the camera or scanner to acquire images from | SelectAcquireSource | Apis |
TImageEnViewAcquire | Acquire | Retrieve an image from a camera or scanner | Acquire | - |
TImageEnViewSeekFirst | First Frame | Display the first frame of this image | Seek | - |
TImageEnViewSeekPrior | Previous Frame | Display the prior frame of this image | Seek | - |
TImageEnViewSeekNext | Next Frame | Display the next frame of this image | Seek | - |
TImageEnViewSeekLast | Last Frame | Display the last frame of this image | Seek | - |
Action | Name | Description | Associated Method | Extra Properties |
TIEPdfViewerEnabled | PDF Viewing | Enable viewing of PDF documents | PdfViewer | AllowTextSelection (miPdfSelectText), AllowImageSelection (miPdfSelectRgn), AllowFormEditing , AllowObjectEditing |
TIEPdfViewerShowAllPages | Show All Pages | Display all pages of the document | ShowAllPages | - |
TIEPdfViewerRotateViewNormal | Rotation Normal | Do not rotate page for display | ViewRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerRotateView90 | Rotate Right | Rotate page clockwise for display | ViewRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerRotateView180 | Rotate 180 | Rotate page 180 for display | ViewRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerRotateView270 | Rotate Left | Rotate page counter-clockwise for display | ViewRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerPageRotateNormal | Rotation Normal | Do not rotate current page | PageRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerPageRotate90 | Rotate Right | Rotate current page clockwise | PageRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerPageRotate180 | Rotate 180 | Rotate current page 180 | PageRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerPageRotate270 | Rotate Left | Rotate current page counter-clockwise | PageRotation | - |
TIEPdfViewerFindDialog | Find | Display the find dialog | FindDialog | AllPages |
TIEPdfViewerImportPages | Import Pages | Import a PDF file into the current document | ImportPages | AppendToEnd, PageRange |
TIEPdfViewerPromotePage | Promote Page | Move page toward start of document | MovePages | - |
TIEPdfViewerDemotePage | Demote Page | Move page toward end of document | MovePages | - |
TIEPdfViewerDeletePage | Delete Page | Delete the current page | DeletePages | - |