procedure AssignTo(Dest: TObject; MaxW: Integer = 0; MaxH: Integer = 0; Filter: TResampleFilter = rfNone); overload;
procedure AssignTo(Dest: TObject; Scale: Double; Filter: TResampleFilter); overload;
Copies the image to the
Dest, which can be a TBitmap, TImage, TPicture or
TIEBitmap object.
The image can optionally scaled to MaxW x MaxH using the specified resample filter. These values will be automatically reduced to maintain the aspect ratio. If the image is smaller than this size, it is not upscaled.
For TBitmap: The Alpha channel is ignored. If you require Alpha support, use
CopyToTBitmap. The output pixel format will be pf24bit if scaled, otherwise converted as follows:
ie1g -> pf1bit
ie8p -> pf8bit
ie8g -> pf8bit (create gray scale palette)
ie16g -> pf8bit (copy only high 8 bit)
ie24RGB* -> pf24bit
ie32RGB -> pf32bit
For TIEBitmap: The alpha channel will be copied to the destination object. The output pixel format will be ie24RGB if scaled, otherwise it will match the current image.
An exception is raised if Dest is an unsupported type.
// Copy the displayed image to a TBitmap
MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.AssignTo( MyBmp, 500, 500, rfFastLinear );
MyBitmap will now be an image of width <= 500 and height <= 500 (maintaining the aspect ratio)
// Copy the displayed image to a TImage
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.AssignTo( Image1 );
TIEBitmap Assignment and Drawing Methods
TIEBitmap Methods Method | Mode | Purpose |
Assign | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap/TGraphic/TIcon | Copy whole image |
AssignImage | From TIEBitmap | Like assign, but does not copy the alpha channel |
AssignRect | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap | Copy a specified rect |
CopyAndConvertFormat | From TIEBitmap | Copy whole image |
CopyRectTo | To TIEBitmap | Copy rect to another image (without scaling) |
CopyWithMask1 | To TIEBitmap | Copy image using a mask to specify what is copied from the source |
CopyWithMask2 | To TIEBitmap | Copy image using a mask to specify what is replaced in the destintation |
DrawToTIEBitmap | To TIEBitmap | Copies all or part of the image to a specified position and/or size |
JoinBitmaps | From two TIEBitmaps | Draws two bitmaps to a single bitmap |
MergeAlphaRectTo | With TIEBitmap | Merges the alpha channels of two TIEBitmaps using merge rules |
MergeWithAlpha | With TIEBitmap | Merges all or part of two TIEBitmaps with alpha channels to a specified position |
RenderToTIEBitmapEx | To TIEBitmap | Extended drawing of content to a TIEBitmap |
StretchRectTo | To TIEBitmap | Copy rect to dest rect in another image (with scaling) |
SwitchTo | To TIEBitmap | Move content from one TIEBitmap to another |
TBitmap Methods Method | Mode | Purpose |
Assign | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap/TGraphic/TIcon | Copy whole image |
AssignTo | To TIEBitmap/TBitmap | Copy whole image with optional scaling |
AssignRect | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap | Copy a specified rect |
CopyFromTBitmap | From TBitmap | Copy whole image |
CopyToTBitmap | To TBitmap | Copy whole image |
RenderToTBitmapEx | To TBitmap | Extended drawing of content to a TBitmap |
TCanvas Methods