ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions

Advanced Helper Methods

iexHelperFunctions.pas provides helper functions for TImageEnIO, TBitmap and TIEBitmap, plus a variety of file functions. These methods provide quicker access to some ImageEn functionality for common tasks.

Add iexHelperFunctions to your uses clause to access the new methods.

Note: Delphi/C++ 2005 or newer is required to use helper classes

IEBitmap Helper Methods

Add more functionality to the TIEBitmap class.
Public Method  Cartoonify
Public Method  FillWithShape
Public Method  FillWithWallpaper
Public Method  IEAddSoftShadow
Public Method  IEConvertToThumbnail
Public Method  IELoadAsThumbnail
Public Property  IO
Public Property  Proc

IEVision IEBitmap Helper Methods

Easier access to IEVision functionality via TIEBitmap.
Public Method  DetectBlobs
Public Method  DetectPeople
Public Method  FindObjects
Public Method  Inpaint
Public Method  MatchTemplate (Image Searching)
Public Method  OCR
Public Method  OCR_GetOrientation
Public Method  OCR_GetRegions
Public Method  OrbDetectAndDeskew
Public Method  ScanBarcode
Public Method  SubtractImageBackground

IEMultiBitmap Helper Methods

Add more functionality to the TIEMultiBitmap class.
Public Property  MIO
Public Property  Proc

IEVision IEMultiBitmap Helper Methods

Easier access to IEVision functionality via TIEMultiBitmap.
Public Method  CreateSearchablePDF
Public Method  MergeExposures
Public Method  StitchImages

ImageEnIO Helper Methods

Shortcut methods for the TImageEnIO class.
Public Method  LoadFromFileEx
Public Method  LoadFromStreamEx
Public Method  Reload
Public Method  SaveToFileEx
Public Method  SaveToStreamEx

IOParams EXIF Helper Methods

Provide string formatted (human-readable) access to some EXIF properties:
Public Property  EXIF_AsStr
Public Property  EXIF_FieldDescription
Public Property  EXIF_Camera_Str
Public Property  EXIF_SubjectArea_Str
Public Property  EXIF_SubjectLocation_Str

IOParams XMP Helper Methods

Helper functions for XMP meta-data:
Public Property  XMP_AsStr
Public Property  XMP_AsInt
Public Property  XMP_AsDateTime

TBitmap Helper Methods

Add more functionality to the TBitmap class.
Public Method  IEAddSoftShadow
Public Method  IEConvertToThumbnail
Public Method  IEFlip
Public Method  IEInitialize
Public Method  IELoadAsThumbnail
Public Method  IELoadFromFile
Public Method  IELoadFromStream
Public Method  IEResample
Public Method  IERotate
Public Method  IESaveToFile
Public Method  IESaveToStream
Public Method  LoadFromURL
Public Property  IO
Public Method  PrintImage
Public Property  Proc

TImage Helper Methods

Add more functionality to the TImage class.
Public Property  IO
Public Property  Proc

File Methods

Perform image manipulation functions without direct use of ImageEn components.
Global Method  IEAutomaticallyRotateImageFile
Global Method  IEConvertImageFile
Global Method  IECreateThumbnailFromFile
Global Method  IEFlipImageFile
Global Method  IEReadCorrectOrientationOfImageFile
Global Method  IEResampleImageFile
Global Method  IERotateImageFile
Global Method  IESaveShapeAsSVG
Global Method  IEConvertImageToSVG