ImageEn, unit iexLayers



TIEShapeLayer = class(TIELayer);


TImageEnView supports multiple layers, allowing the creation of a single image from multiple source images (which can be resized, rotated, moved, etc).
TIEShapeLayer is a descendent of TIELayer that displays one of ImageEn's one hundred built-in shapes.


You can create shape layers with code using LayersAdd or by user action by setting MouseInteractLayers to mlCreateShapeLayers.

Review the Layer Documentation for a full description of layer support.

Note: If you need a shape with text, use a TIETextLayer and specify a BorderShape


Demo Description Demo Project Folder Compiled Demo
All Layer Editing Usage of image, shape, text, polygon and line layers LayerEditing\Layers_AllTypes\Layers.dpr   
Stamp Layers Add text, shapes, images and arrows directly to an image by clicking and dragging LayerEditing\StampTextAndShapes\StampLayers.dpr   


// Add a yellow explosion layer
ImageEnView1.LayersAdd( ielkShape );
TIEShapeLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).Shape := iesExplosion;
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.FillColor    := clYellow;
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.BorderColor  := $004080FF;
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.BorderWidth  := 2;

// Remove the border...
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.BorderWidth  := 0;

// Allow users to create and edit shape layers
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractLayers := [ mlCreateShapeLayers, mlMoveLayers, mlResizeLayers ];

Methods and Properties

Public Property  AsSVG
Public Method  Assign
Public Method  ConvertToImageLayer
Public Method  ConvertToPolylineLayer
Public Method  CopyToBitmap
Public Property  DrawingInfo
Public Property  DrawOuter
Public Method  DrawToCanvas
Public Method  GetProperties
Public Property  Guid
Public Property  GroupIndex
Public Property  Hint
Public Property  IsMask
Public Property  Kind
Public Property  LayerIndex
Public Property  Locked
Public Property  MaskInverted
Public Property  Modified
Public Property  ModifiedDate
Public Property  Name
Public Property  Selectable
Public Property  Selected
Public Method  SetProperties
Public Method  SupportsFeature
Public Property  Tag
Public Property  URL
Public Property  UserData
Public Property  UserDataLen
Public Property  Visible
Public Property  VisibleBox

Public Property  AntiAlias
Public Property  AlphaEdgeFeathering
Public Property  AutoCurving
Public Property  BorderColor
Public Property  BorderWidth
Public Property  Cropped
Public Property  FillColor
Public Property  FillColor2
Public Property  FillGradient
Public Property  FillOpacity
Public Property  Flip
Public Property  InnerGlow
Public Property  Opacity
Public Property  Operation
Public Property  Rotate
Public Property  ScaleLocking
Public Property  Shape
Public Property  ShapeModifier
Public Property  SoftShadow

Size and Position
Public Property  AspectRatioLocked
Public Property  ClientAreaBox
Public Method  ConvXBmp2Scr
Public Method  ConvXScr2Bmp
Public Method  ConvYBmp2Scr
Public Method  ConvYScr2Bmp
Public Property  Height
Public Property  PosX
Public Property  PosY
Public Method  PreferredAspectRatio
Public Method  RestoreAspectRatio
Public Property  Width

 Unique to TIEShapeLayer

See Also

 Layer Editing Overview