
Components and Hierarchy

Visual Components

TImageEnView Display images and videos (with layer support)
TIEEditControls Apply editing and visual effects to an image
TImageEnViewToolbar Toolbar with buttons for TImageEnView
TImageEnMView Display multiple images or thumbnails
TImageEnFolderMView Display thumbnails of files in a folder
TImageEnLayerMView Display thumbnails of layers within an image
TIELayerProps Display properties of a layer
TIEMetaListView Display meta-data and file properties for an image
TIEFolderTree Windows Folder Tree control
TIEFileListBox Filename List Box
TIEColorCurve Manipulate colors of an image using a color curve
TIERichEdit Advanced Rich Editing component
TIERichEditToolbar Toolbar with buttons for TIERichEdit
THistogramBox Color and hue histogram control
TIEColorPalette Color display and selection control
TIEGradientBar Color gradient display and selection control
THSVBox Hue-Saturation-Value display and selection control

Non-Visual Components

TImageEnProc Analyze and edit images. Generally you will not create this component yourself, but access via TImageEnView.Proc
TImageEnIO Load and save images of all formats, print, acquire from scanner, camera or digital device. Generally you will not use create this component yourself, but access via TImageEnView.IO
TImageEnMIO Load and save images of all multi-page formats, print thumbnails, acquire images from scanner, camera or digital device. Generally you will not create this component yourself, but access via TImageEnMView.MIO
TOpenImageEnDialog Open dialog with preview of all image formats
TSaveImageEnDialog Save dialog with preview of image properties
TIEOpenFolderDialog Folder selection dialog
TIEGlobalSettings ImageEn shared settings
TIEFileDragDrop Windows Drag/Drop Handler
TIEFolderWatch Folder monitoring control

Key Classes

TIEBitmap ImageEn's bitmap class, supporting all images formats and advanced functionality
TIOParams Provides access to the properties and meta-data of image files. You will not create this class directly, but via TImageEnView.IO.Params or TIEBitmap.Params
TIEDBBitmap Access to an image stored or referenced in a database (connect to a TImageEnView for display)
TIEMultiBitmap Loading, editing and saving of multi-frame image formats, such as TIFF, GIF, etc.
TIOMultiParams Provides access to the properties and meta-data of multi-frame image files. You will not create this class directly, but via TImageEnMView.MIO.Params or TIEBitmap.Params
TIEDBMultiBitmap Access to the images stored or referenced in a database (connect to a TImageEnMView to display as thumbnails)
TIEAcquireParams Access to scanners, camera and digital devices available via Twain, WIA or WPD. You will not create this class directly, but via TImageEnMView.MIO.AcquireParams or TImageEnView.IO.AcquireParams
TIEVisionLibrary Advanced features add-on class for ImageEn: OCR, barcode reading, facial detection and recognition, etc.
TIEGoogleVision Use Google Vision API to recognize objects, text, handwriting, faces, famous landmarks and logos in images

Legacy Components

TImageEnVect Display and edit vector images. For new applications you should use vector layers. To learn more about transitioning your code to TIELayers, see: TImageEnVect vs TIELayers
TImageEnDBView Display image from a database. For new applications you should use TIEDBBitmap

Component Hierarchy

     TImageEnIO (encapsulates TIEDirectShow, TIEWia, TIEMediaFoundationSourceReader)
                 TImageEnView (encapsulates TImageEnIO, TImageEnProc)
                    TImageEnMView (encapsulates TImageEnMIO, TImageEnProc)



Image and Color Effects

Brush Properties

Layer Properties

Open/Save Dialogs

Save Properties Dialog

Print Preview Dialog

Print Preview Maxi Dialog

Thumbnail Print Preview Dialog

Thumbsheets Save Preview Dialog

Image Acquisition Source

Color Palette Dialog