TImageEnView | Display images and videos (with layer support) | |
TIEEditControls | Apply editing and visual effects to an image | |
TImageEnViewToolbar | Toolbar with buttons for TImageEnView | |
TImageEnMView | Display multiple images or thumbnails | |
TImageEnFolderMView | Display thumbnails of files in a folder | |
TImageEnLayerMView | Display thumbnails of layers within an image | |
TIELayerProps | Display properties of a layer | |
TIEMetaListView | Display meta-data and file properties for an image | |
TIEFolderTree | Windows Folder Tree control | |
TIEFileListBox | Filename List Box | |
TIEColorCurve | Manipulate colors of an image using a color curve | |
TIERichEdit | Advanced Rich Editing component | |
TIERichEditToolbar | Toolbar with buttons for TIERichEdit | |
THistogramBox | Color and hue histogram control | |
TIEColorPalette | Color display and selection control | |
TIEGradientBar | Color gradient display and selection control | |
THSVBox | Hue-Saturation-Value display and selection control |
TImageEnProc | Analyze and edit images. Generally you will not create this component yourself, but access via TImageEnView.Proc | |
TImageEnIO | Load and save images of all formats, print, acquire from scanner, camera or digital device. Generally you will not use create this component yourself, but access via TImageEnView.IO | |
TImageEnMIO | Load and save images of all multi-page formats, print thumbnails, acquire images from scanner, camera or digital device. Generally you will not create this component yourself, but access via TImageEnMView.MIO | |
TOpenImageEnDialog | Open dialog with preview of all image formats | |
TSaveImageEnDialog | Save dialog with preview of image properties | |
TIEOpenFolderDialog | Folder selection dialog | |
TIEGlobalSettings | ImageEn shared settings | |
TIEFileDragDrop | Windows Drag/Drop Handler | |
TIEFolderWatch | Folder monitoring control |
TIEBitmap | ImageEn's bitmap class, supporting all images formats and advanced functionality | |
TIOParams | Provides access to the properties and meta-data of image files. You will not create this class directly, but via TImageEnView.IO.Params or TIEBitmap.Params | |
TIEDBBitmap | Access to an image stored or referenced in a database (connect to a TImageEnView for display) | |
TIEMultiBitmap | Loading, editing and saving of multi-frame image formats, such as TIFF, GIF, etc. | |
TIOMultiParams | Provides access to the properties and meta-data of multi-frame image files. You will not create this class directly, but via TImageEnMView.MIO.Params or TIEBitmap.Params | |
TIEDBMultiBitmap | Access to the images stored or referenced in a database (connect to a TImageEnMView to display as thumbnails) | |
TIEAcquireParams | Access to scanners, camera and digital devices available via Twain, WIA or WPD. You will not create this class directly, but via TImageEnMView.MIO.AcquireParams or TImageEnView.IO.AcquireParams | |
TIEVisionLibrary | Advanced features add-on class for ImageEn: OCR, barcode reading, facial detection and recognition, etc. | |
TIEGoogleVision | Use Google Vision API to recognize objects, text, handwriting, faces, famous landmarks and logos in images |
TImageEnVect | Display and edit vector images. For new applications you should use vector layers. To learn more about transitioning your code to TIELayers, see: TImageEnVect vs TIELayers | |
TImageEnDBView | Display image from a database. For new applications you should use TIEDBBitmap |